Can root canals be avoided by changing lifestyle?

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    Thinking In the dentists never over whether root canals can be avoided by restructuring of the diet and their ways of life, as f.example,smoking, lack of exercise ?
    I have had many root canals, they first as a teenager and since then have teeth just not been in order and is now falling apart in small pieces, fordii there is no longer enough tooth and no blood supply to the teeth.
    There must be something that is better. Who besides I care for it.

    With kind regards



    Dear Susanne,

    No it can not if the damage is already done and your nerve has been damaged. But the conversion of the diet is a good idea to avoid holes in the teeth.

    Hope you can use my answer.

    With kind regards

    Dentist Joan Olsen™ – the Road to healthier teeth


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    3 comments on the article “Can root canals be avoided by changing lifestyle?”
    1. susanne h. svendsen says:

      No the answer I can't use for something, after which there was the answer to my specific question if there are others than I care about there are other options. But I interpret that the corresponding do not do and do not know the other.
      I have contacted the dentists , many and tandlægehøjskoler m.v., but the problem is that so long as there is no real want to make on the procedure, so nothing happens in the field of dental treatment. Artificial teeth and fillings can only be a problem. In the same way as the hair grows and grows, it may also be possible that the teeth is growing. It is said by the way also to teeth that do not have the resistance of a tooth above, or below growing in height.

    2. Of course, there are alternatives.
      See Rami Nages’s website
      There you will find answers to your questions :-)
      I have avoided the root canal of a damaged tooth in one and a half years by means of diet and homeopathic medicine.
      Good luck.

      • Hi merethe klinkwort.

        Thank you for your meddelsomhed.
        A few days ago, I took the definitive decision never to leave the responsibility for my teeth condition to another person,just as well as I also do not ovrlader responsibility for the rest of my body and general health to others – not doctors.
        For many of the children he is dentist the first doctor - trained authority the meetings – even early in life, where they can experience a huge intervention in their private sphere, with pain to follow.

        In the many years I have tried to get the Danish dentists . I have contacted tandlægehøjskolerne and interrogated me about research within the fields of dentistry and alternatives to sølvamalgam and plastic fillings ,thought bone structure even, but from what or who.

        It is more than ten years since I first took my toothbrush from the toilet cubicle , ago I started to cook it several times a week , until I now have thrown it out.
        Plastic with the color in will be today allowed by the Danish health authorities, something which barely allowed as toys !

        I may want to read the mentioned book, but avoid the dentist's drill and bridges, etc. is my continued resolution.
        The scratches in the tooth enamel, so think when the hell that there will be one hole after another.
        The shaking from the drill can have a disastrous effect.

        The diet I have swapped many years ago, to include vegetable, organic food items,which provide energy and quick digestion.
        Are you interested in sharing your experience with me,I hear like from you.
        Hjetelig regards Susanne Holgaard Svendsen.

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