Have gone with severe pain in the jaw in a year

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    Loved Ones Dentistry.dk

    I have for a year now, passed with great pain in my left jaw. I had a visdomstand, was moved out of the left overmund because I thought it was the, it was wrong with. But it's like the hole that was supposed to be after the tooth had been moved out, still is swollen and it hurts when I touch it. It is very heavy and deep pain in the left cheek. When it is on, I notice that my left nostril, as a rule, a stop and they pull down my throat and up in my temples and the left eye.
    Is there anything I can do on your own. Are students so it would be too expensive for me to go to a dentist!




    Dear Martin,

    It sounds extremely uncomfortable. You can seek out dentistry in Copenhagen or in Aarhus. Now I do not know which of them is nearest to you, but that you can be examined for free. You pay of course with your time. But I think you should get it examined as soon as possible.

    Hope you can use my answer.

    With kind regards

    Dentist Joan Olsen


    Dentistry.dk™ – the Road to healthier teeth


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    3 comments on the article “gone with severe pain in the jaw in a year”
    1. Anne Sofie Mathiasen says:

      Hi Martin,

      I have been to the dentist for a couple of weeks ago, and I have it just as you describe. Do you still have the same problem? Or what did you find out? 🙂

    2. Anne Sofie Mathiasen says:

      ... yes, and I also got removed visdomstanden in the left overmund, should I maybe also just write 😉

    3. Thyge says:

      With me, it was because there was a small wood chips of the tooth that was broken off during the extraction. It could be seen on x-ray.

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