School introduces common tooth brushing to the morning assembly

  • 10. June 2009 (News)  

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    Despite the fact that the students at Frøslev-Padborg Skole is good for brushing the teeth, several of the students comprehensive acid injuries to the teeth. The Municipal Dental care has now put the focus on the problem with the project “Stop acid injuries and holes in the teeth”, and have therefore introduced the common tooth brushing in the entire month of June.

    Dentures before the age of 18 years
    On Førslev-Padborg School they have more students who already have severe acid injuries to the teeth. Continuing students with the high consumption of sweet drinks, especially cola, many of the students could wave goodbye to their teeth and could say hello to dentures, already before the age of 18 years. There are found acid injuries to the teeth in every sixth child under the age of 18 years and the problem is increasing.

    Both dentists and dental hygienists can tell you that at Frøslev-Padborg Skole suffering many children of acid injuries. And a possible reason for the problems at this school may be due to the close location to the many tempting offers from grænsebutikkerne, selling cheap sweets, juices and soft drinks are available in mega sizes.

    Project “Stop acid injuries and holes in the teeth”
    In order to focus on acid injuries the municipal dental care shot the project “Stop acid injuries” in time at Frøslev-Padborg Skole. The project was launched on 2. June with big tandbørstningsdag, where all pupils were given a vanddunk, toothbrush and toothpaste. Secondly, there were common tooth brushing in the great hall.

    Fælles tandbørstning til morgensamlingen

    Common tooth brushing to the morning assembly

    The project will continue throughout the month of June, where the municipal dental care will try to put the focus on the acid injuries and get the tooth brushing at the program each morning. To morgensamlingerne the students will continually get more information on how they can avoid acid injuries.

    Every Monday and Thursday there is a common brushing while the students are allowed to look at a power-point presentation with images of acid injuries, diet and tandbørsteinstruktion. Brochures and other promotional material handed out also to the students. Like the municipal dental care will be present every Monday and Thursday. Who will the other days of the week be the common tooth brushing in the classroom.

    At the school's library will throughout the period be an exhibition on diet and drinks. In total there will be two exhibitions, one on sugar and one on the PH-the acid in the drinks. The project team has also made the banner, posters and brochures to the students. And a message is also sent to each home on the project.

    Frøslev-Padborg Skole will in the period be completely free of juices, soft drinks, and other acidic drinks. And the school canteen, “the Stall”, will in the period to only sell water and milk, and other non-acidic drink. The parents have also got a call for active participation, like all parents are welcome to the events.

    The project ends on Wednesday, 24. June, with common brushing and evaluation of the project. A part of the project “Stop acid injuries and holes in the teeth” will dentistry also use at other schools than Frøslev-Padborg School, to the extent that it can be done.

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    1 comment to the article “School introduces common tooth brushing for morning assembly”
    1. Donjeta says:

      hi is 10 years is in the picture which was fun but I'm the girl who has bright stripes and the and the blue lenkis, and yellow sweater that I was 7 years old and it was helle month of June.(:

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